Tom Demko Rambles

Thursday, June 29, 2006

The Driving Test

Determining if you've found a suitable mate is a daunting task. You can play mind games, fill in lengthy E-Harmony physc surveys, hire private investigators, sit with shrinks, hairdressers and friends, read book after book, or even pinch your S.O. to the verge of strangling you. In spite of their strengths, all these methods sometimes fail.

In the lovey-dovey stage of a relationship, no one has faults. But lovey-dovey only lasts for so long, and can turn to stab and burn in the blink of an eye. By that time, you're living together or married, and it's too late to just stop calling. You are forced to resort to expensive assassins, or complex "accident" schemes, with long prison sentences if things go wrong. Is there an easier, more reliable way?

Absolutely. I have no qualms going the distance for a decent person, but how can you tell? Truth serum aside, I've decided the tell all evaluator is the driving test. It may be difficult for guys to give up the wheel, but you must let her drive you around. Then observe. If she (or he) drives recklessly, they will probably be reckless with you. Road rage is a sure sign of an angry person, driving an SUV or pickup with a "King of the Road" attitude is a clear "delusions of Grandeur" indicator. Driving unaware of what's going on is a person who is disconnected from reality.

I recommend running covert video to be sure he/she is not behaving nicely when you're around. Under the illusion of anonymity, primeval behaviors manifest as people drive. A disciplined driver will adjust for weather conditions, posted speed limits, traffic, and neighbor pedestrians, while many drivers will run you down for driving the speed "limit". If you can live with your S.O. on the road, you'll be okay at home. Try it! Take notes!


  • Did the driving test work? What are the results? I would like to try that on my SO. Post the results please and details.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:05 PM  

  • That sounds like a good idea. Might be dangerous for me though.

    By Blogger Colby, at 10:40 AM  

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