Tom Demko Rambles

Tuesday, June 27, 2006


Last week while working I encountered a wasp nest in the control area of a Bohn Mac-6H condensing unit. It was a hot day, and they were very active. Given the scope of work I needed to accomplish, I made the decision to destroy them. Mass arthopodicide. I used a commercial Wasp & Hornet spray; they did not suffer long. As scouts came back to the demised nest and (understandably) harassed me, I murdered them too. I spared many other nests that day, but still found myself running around the roof chasing insects with a pressure washer wand. I'd spray them down with water, then squish them. The words "I'll execute every m-f-ing one of ya" could be heard by passers by on ground level. I abandoned civility and transformed into a barbarian arthropod murdering human.

Contrast this to my previous post where I'm conflicted by two little kids stomping an ant to death. Or the many times I "escort" a bug out of the house with a glass and magazine. I appear to have lost integrity, I'll hold to an ethic, but only when convenient. I guess it's better than having no ethical integrity at all. Maybe...


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