Tom Demko Rambles

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The Virgin Prostitute

I won't say who, but someone I know turned to me and asked "If Mary was a prostitute, why do they call her the Virgin Mary?" Odd... A catholic asking an atheist about religion. I explained there were minimally two Marys in the bible; the mother Mary, or virgin Mary was the mother of Jesus, Mary Magdalene, a buddy of Jesus, was a former prostitute.

The "Greatest Story Ever Told" blows me away. A virgin mother? So inconceivable it's surely the product of great genius (or translation error). Produces the child of a deity. Mortal, yet immortal. Betrayed, crucified, then rising from the dead. Wow! Imagine no religion and someone told you this story. You might be skeptical.

Quentin Tarantino can't hold a candle to how f'd up things get in the history of religion, which is a bit scary if you think about it. Then again, we don't. Think that is. It appears many people are not deeply religious; registered with one party or the other but unversed in the tenets thereof, setting foot in church three times a year. I guess the independents can't vote in the primaries...


  • If you'd read Dawkins's The God Delusion, you would have know that the virgin birth myth was invented long before Jesus was born. In fact, much of the Jesus myth were stolen from other pagan myths. The writers of the NT changed many things to fit in with the prophecies in the OT. Still, my understanding is that the virgin birth was not mentioned in any of the NT books. It seems to have been added much later. Then hundreds of years later, some Pope decided that it would be Catholic doctrine. What garbage! And what idiots we humans are to believe in all this S***

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:43 PM  

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