Tom Demko Rambles

Monday, March 27, 2006

Vera blooms

This morning my Amaryllis, Vera, bloomed. She is a door prize from my National Association of Oil Heat Service Managers Xmas meeting, and holds the dubious distinction of surviving under my care since then. She's sooooo pretty!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Swim Goggles

I'm taking swim lessons, and am now the proud owner of a pair of swimming goggles.

They are in my estimation, superfine, enabling me to see where I'm going, one of three of my current impediments to swimming.

The other two? Well, there's breathing. Breathing whilst immersed in air is relatively easy, though it's 79% Nitrogen. Just contract your trusty diaphragm and air is drawn into the lungs. Relax and you exhale. I've found it unadvisable to breathe underwater as the lungs aren't designed to work with H2O. Fortunately, air is just above the surface of the water, it's a matter of getting your mouth above it. Exhaling underwater and emptying the lungs is a bit of a conditioning trick, which I haven't yet mastered. I keep running out of breath the first lap or so, and reach a point of psychological panic. (well, there's stuff to hang onto in pool, how bad can it get?)

Beyond the breathing/lung capacity issue is the muscle issue. My swimming leg and arm muscles are flabby, weak girlie-man variety, atrophied by years of non use and thousands of slices of cheesy-cake. It's time to "pump" them up!

Though it might be easier to modify my body with prescription swim goggles, Darth Vader's breathing apparatus, and motorized fins, in the meantime I'll immersed in the Y's swimming pool, aspirating chlorinated water and vomiting the pizza and cheesecake I eat for lunch...

Monday, March 20, 2006


It's been a love and hate ski season this year. Two weeks ago, warm weather and rain, three weeks ago beautiful powdery snow. No base, snowstorms staying south, but like anything, you make your own opportunities.

It's cold this week, and where there's cold, and ski resort, there's snow making. Went up Thu 3/17 and Sun 3/19. Not too shabby. Some ice here and there, the bumps are gone from Bear Trap, but a day of skiing is like a day in paradise...except for the lack of cappuccino in the base lodge, which was ten minutes in hell!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Stairway to Heaven

Tuesday, March 07, 2006


My policy when troubleshooting is listen to everyone, for sometimes the answer lies in the wisdom of the logic of a drunk old man, yet trust no one. Sometimes people's perceptions are skewed, our senses misleading, a test lead fails, educators occasionally teach lies; a troubleshooter must distill the truth.

I've been reading "What Smart Students Know" by Adam Robinson. I know it's a minor point, but he cites an example stating the formula for the volume of a sphere is 4πr² (page 157). This infuriates me, as I think it's (4/3)πr³. Apparently, smart students get that one wrong. Hope it wasn't a life-safety calculation...ooops!

Awhile back, I was watching a documentary, "Supersize Me", by Morgan Spurlock. He interviews Marion Nestle, PhD, MPH, Chair of Nutrition and Food Studies,NYU, asking her to define a calorie. When she states " calorie is the amount of energy that's needed to raise the temperature of a liter of water by one degree centigrade" (Well said) I nearly hit the ceiling! Being a simple tradesman, I believe one calorie is the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree centigrade. Hope she doesn't prescribe meds, she's off by a factor of a thousand (assuming 1ml of water weighs 1 g...true often enough)! (This movie had other issues...good try, but wow...)

Fortunately, locked in academia, how much damage can they cause? It's not like they're installing high voltage wiring, or high pressure steam piping, or diagnosing patients, or driving 80,000 pound trucks behind school buses. I know it's tough to fact check, but even Hans Gruber was impressed by attention to detail. They both lost credibility. I don't discard the entire work, but as I say, listen to everyone, trust no one, only your mind has the ability to find the truth.

Is it...satan?

Today I was welding with Tungsten Inert Gas Welder. I stared at the flame, wondering what evil lurks in the welder's arc. I don't believe clergy are allowed to weld, fire is the devil's only friend, and welding an instrument of evil.

Of course, I'm not really using a flame, but an electrical arc. A flame is combustion (rapid oxidation) of some carbon based gas. Like air-acetylene or oxy-acetylene. No, the only gas here is Argon, and folks, argon doesn't burn. It's a noble gas, and is used to displace air, or shield the electrode, so it doesn't burn wildly like an electrical short. Argon also happens to be an aphrodisiac for Superman.

It produces a beautiful blue flame, stable, gentle, and hotter than, hmmmmm hell? I clearly see satan when I stare into it. Naturally, I watch through a self-darkening helmet visor, otherwise I'd turn to stone immediately. (Actually, I would prefer to turn to stone rather than endure the pain resulting from welding flash occular injuries)

Religious people see religious images in everyday objects, substance abusers hallicinate while high, when musicians play Black Sabboth at 78 (for the benefit of the youth, audio recordings used to be played on vynil records at 33 1/3 rpm, older records played at 78 rpm, hence, playing a 33 1/3 rpm record at 78 rpm...Black Sabboth played real fast...oh, this is pointless), they see God. I see Satan in the welding arc, lapping the base metal and melting it. I could possibly see the future, it may work as a crystal ball. I once saw Halle Berry walking Cerberus while brazing with air-acetylene. (That was hot)

I'm thinking about what to do for my next career, joining a carnival and fortunetelling by staring into a Tungsten, Inert Gas Welding Arc might be the way to go...

New Blog


Check out my tech blog, all about my thoughts at work.

Friday, March 03, 2006


Powder powder powder powder powder powder powder powder!!!!!Beautiful, bouncing bunnies, paradise lost, snowman's blow...powder!! Powder!!!!!! Powder!!!!!!
White gold, the stuff that dreams are made of, positively peremptory precious powder powder powder powder powder powder powder!!!!!!

Powder powder, like chowder, powder powder powder powder powder powder powder!!!!!