Tom Demko Rambles

Monday, January 30, 2006

Creative cell phone use while driving

Not to harp on driving issues, but this stuff writes itself. In CT we have a law banning cell phone use while driving unless using a hands free setup. I used to work for a company with Nextel, and clearly remember driving vast distances with no awareness or recollection of the trip while talking. Nowadays I don't use cell while driving, I find it way too distracting. Here are my most creative violators to date.

Guy driving tri-axle dump truck...Hope it was empty!

School bus driver lady (Didn't see any kids)

Cop in police cruiser

I'm not 100% sure I saw this, but old lady (late 50's) on cell honking at older lady (60's+) 'cause she's driving too slow or going straight from turning lane.


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