Tom Demko Rambles

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Bad Driving

The other day I blocked part of a lane with my truck while turning right at an intersection. It's a common occurance at rush hour, and I'd say my excuse was someone in a pickup took a right turn from left lane ahead of me and messed up my aura, but I would be just as happy waiting another light cycle. I'm never late...people are happy to wait for me...

It takes about 20 or 30 seconds for the light to change so I can clear the lane, and some poor guy in another pickup was so pissed at me he was gesticulating and honking as he passed. I just waved, it really didn't bother me, but I feel for him, as a matter of fact, I was him when I wore a younger mans shoes. I memorized his plate, and if he's local and I run into him, I'll apologize.

Yet, traffic is getting insane lately. A few days ago, when I was a pedestrian, I waited to cross with a walklight, and a woman, maybe in her 50's, took a left on red to attack me. I didn't really care, though she seemed to think it was my fault, I'm not threatened...this woman couldn't hit me if she wanted to.

Today, I was behind a young lady, maybe 20 something, who from a standstill ran a red light in an intersection that was being blocked by perpendicular traffic, though if she waited for the green, it would have cleared. Back in my home town, a car passed me on the left, then pretty much cut me off to take a right turn a couple hundred feet later. I stopped and waited. I was not pissed, or even surprised, but I exclaimed "Now I've seen everything!".

I have not yet seen everything. My truck weighs the better part of 23,000 pounds, and is slow, and people play "Is there a God?" with me. With only hydraulic brakes, I have sphincters of stainless steel. It would seem few people understand the difference between following 2 lengths behind vs 2 seconds. (I'm supposed to maintain 5 secs to keep my insurance carrier happy...tough to do when people constantly pass you or change lanes into that space). Stop signs and speed limits are a joke, and inclement weather or heavy traffic don't seem to be factors.

I don't feel I should be prevented from driving faster or sloppyer than others...I'm very competitive. But the bottom is getting too deep for me to scrape...


  • You ain't seen nothing yet. Jess just got her license.

    As for me, I only drive to school and the grocery store so I don't see much of this garbage.

    By Blogger Colby, at 10:32 PM  

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